Do I keep pushing myself?

I had an appointment with a mental health person today. I woke up and my first thought was I can not do this.

I was so close to emailing and saying I was sick, I didn’t. I managed to go It was horrible, I really hated every second of being away from my flat.

I came home and just wanted to sleep, instead I had a bit of a clean up of the flat, cleared more lego, played with the animals.

Then went and collected Monkey.

As soon as we got home, I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open, I know its not from lack of sleep, this is much different, my whole body feels tired.

But I had my monkey with me and it was actually a fun ride back. Although I am starting to feel it now.

I did it, that is the good thing, but do I keep on pushing myself to doing it, when to be honest the easiest answer is just to refuse to move.

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30 Responses to Do I keep pushing myself?

  1. My personal opinion…rest. Many times I do not feel tired but my mind and body are. Everything else can wait. If you have an appointment, go because it is for your health, if it is time with a friend reschedule and take a nap. Sometimes all you need is 45 mins. That can reboot your day. How long has it been since you’ve done nothing? Our bodies know things before our mind. Unless your mental illness is affecting you physically and still rest Trina. It’s ok. How about make a movie date with Monkey and y’all make a pallet with tons of blankets and pillows, pop popcorn and have snacks and watch movies for an evening. He will love that!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes. You keep pushing. We all do, to some degree or another. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I agree with Revenge of Eve. Listen to your body as it knows exactly what it needs, but put your appointments first. Soooo glad that you went! Enjoy every moment with Monkey and rest when you can.
    Blessings! 🌹

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  4. Keep pushing. Knocking off little or big tasks strengthens and invigorates and validates our existence. Avoidance leads to crushing immobilization with is very serious and fertilizes depression. Once in a while though I feel good not doing something important or putting it off for a very short time. I kind of reward myself that way but it is really silly thinking on my part. But I do resent having to do this or that every day of my life. I’m retired. I’m not supposed to have to do stuff any more – more of my own silly thinking. Taking time to do things you like helps. If you don’t have any, invent some. I don’t recommend those high caffeine energy drinks but those high protein nutritional drinks do help combat chronic fatigue. Another remedy – get stubborn and just do it.

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  5. Barb says:

    Sometimes you have to rest to be able to push. 🌻❤️🌷

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Carol Anne says:

    You shouldn’t push yourself more than you feel able for! Do what you can, when you can!

    Liked by 1 person

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